Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Assignment #9

"What I've Learned This Year"

First, Mr.McClung starts out by telling the reader that he had just finished his first year of teaching. He states that he didn't know what to expect but that he learned a lot.  The first aspect that he covers on what he has learned is How to Read the Crowd. He believes that you don't just teach for the sake of teaching, to meet guidelines, or to impress other colleagues. You teach to make sure your students comprehend what you have lectured them on. Mr.McClung states, "In order to be effective you have to be able to let your audience drive your instruction."  The second this McClung addresses is how to Be Flexible. He is not necessarily talking about time, he is in a way talking about your outlook. You should be able to handle any situation. If a lesson you prepare doesn't turn out the way you want, don't get frustrated, just deal with it and move on with a positive attitude. In the words of Mr. McClung, "When things go wrong, simply work with it and try to better the situation.....and make sure you do it with a smile on your face!" Where would we be without Communication? Well, according to this teacher, we would be up a creek without a paddle. If you ever have tension between you and a fellow co-worker, student, or even authority, then you need to speak with that person about the situation and have it resolved ASAP! Work in NEVER a place for drama.

As a future teacher, Don't be Afraid of Technology! The basic point I believe that McClung is trying to make is, how do you know, if you don't try? Putting yourself out there and attempting is better than never knowing at all. Mr. McClung says, "Technology is our friend and is essential to living in our microwave society of today." One of your first priorities should be to Listen to Your Students. If you want to earn the respect of your students, you must take the initiative to listen to them. You also need to form a relationship with your students. Get to know them and take interest in them. Lastly....Never Stop Learning! "We do everything short of beg students to learn on a daily basis, but sadly some of us refuse to learn and grow as professional educators. We work in a learning environment, so why not soak up as much as you can?"


  1. Not only "soak it up" but also use it. Learning never ends!

    Did you get an assignment this week to comment on Mr. McClung's blog? If not, check it out anyway! Mr. McClung's World

  2. I think you are exactly right! How do you know if you don't try? That's also one of the great things about being in education! There are so many blog's by educators like Mr. McClung as well as many other's that help/show us "new" teachers all sorts of things! I definitely feel listening to your students and giving them a voice is a huge thing! Great Post! Keep up the good work!
