Sunday, December 5, 2010

Additional Assignment #5

A picture of the banner on John Spencer's blogJohn Spencer is an in depth writer. Therefore, I must be an in depth thinker to elaborate on his work correctly. Here goes try number two!

  • The Medium Shapes the Learning-  In this portion of his blog, Spencer discusses when he and his class visited Edison's film studios. After the visit was over, the students proclaimed how great it would be to have one of these studios available to them at their school. In saying all of this, you can see that this "learning experience" for this class was enjoyable. This means that learning doesn't always have to be a drag. By incorporating the right kind and amount of technology, you can make learning a very enjoyable and exciting experience.
  • He Just Likes Class for the Pencils- Students, though younger that we as future teachers, deserve our respect. If you yell at a child, FOR BEING A CHILD, you don't deserve to teach. Children are children and they look up to us and expect our patience and kindness when they walk through those doors every morning. Give a child the respect they deserve and they will give it back to you in return.
  • Sketchy Portraits: 8th Grade Identity and Pencils- I really enjoyed this blog A LOT! I remember being in that awkward 8th grade year. I wanted to be one thing one day and another thing the next. It was a "temporary permanency" as Spencer states. Students need the guidance and kindness of a teacher to help them get through this stage of their life. As a teacher, we will encounter disrespect to the most extreme, but we must remember that these children are trying to define themselves.
  • Just Teach Them to Solve for X- In this blog post Spencer argues with Gertrude on teaching and learning techniques. I agree with Mr. Spencer, when he says's, that basically it's okay to get messy and take a different route. Why? Because, it all leads to the same point in the end. Why not do it a different or more fun way? Why not experiment and see what the outcome is?

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