Sunday, September 5, 2010

Post 2

"Did You Know 3.0"
I found this "Did You Know 3.0", to be VERY interesting. In a way the video was almost kind of scary in my opinion. It is hard to grasp the fact that in 2049 there could possibly be a computer that is smarter than the whole human species. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for a computer of that intelligence to be created. 2049 is a long way away and I'm sure by then it will be more acceptable but in 2010 I'm not sure many people would be very fond of a computer that could potentially take over the world.

Another thing that I found interesting, was how long text messaging had been around. I am 20 almost 21 years old, so therefore, I was born in 1989. Text messaging came about in 1992 so it seems as though texting has been around my whole life. After reading that texting had only been around 18 years I was shocked on how much technology had advanced since then. Technology is an amazing thing and I am very thankful for the access we get to things unreachable without it.

"Mr.Winkle Wakes"

This video was not as interesting as "Did You Know," yet it got the same point across. It is definitely true that if you were asleep for 100 years that you would wake up to a world that you would not recognize due to all the technological advances that take place. As you could see in the video Mr. Winkle did not like technology but that was only because he had not been introduced to it. I think that once a person can grasp technology and the perks that come along with it that, they would fully enjoy it.

There was one aspect of this video that I disagreed with. I disagree that schools are a safe environment for the technically challenged people in today's generation. For the most part, all schools are getting more and more advanced with technology. For example, I know that many schools now have smart boards. Eventually, I really believe that school will be taught from the comfort of your home.

"The Importance of Creativity"

I found this video extremely funny! I thought that his way of explaining his theory of creativity was very clever. I totally agree with Ken when he stated that "creativity is educated out of them" (them being the children). We teach children in schools today that if they are wrong with their answer then there is no other option.This means that if they are trying to be unique then we tell them that they can't.

I believe that we should come up with a different way of testing our children in a way that they can also give their opinion or input. We also need to incorporate the arts in with educating these children. We as teachers need to let them feel that letting their creativity flow is a good thing. Doing so would help create many talented adults in the future.

"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"

I found this video very inspiring. I am not very technologically advanced and watching this video gives me a little more hope. In this video the teacher said that you do not have to basically know what your doing with the computers to be able to teach it. The fact that she won the best blog in the world and made that statement makes me feel more confident to enter the teaching field in this day and time where everything is computer and Internet based.

I also loved how this teacher got her students involved in everything and let them even teach her a few things about what project they were working on just to prove that it could be done. I believe classrooms like the one from this video will be the classrooms of our future. There will be computers in every classroom for every student and cellphones used in the correct manor will be encouraged not discouraged. I'm excited to engage in these activities.


  1. Are you ready to teach like Sir Robinson suggests or Ms. Davis does? Will you be allowed to teach that way?

  2. I definitely agree with you about the "Did You Know 3.0" video being somewhat scary and I too do not think that I am ready for a computer to be smarter than the whole human species combined! Your thought about school being taught from a computer in the comfort of your home is very interesting and one that I had not thought about before but it could definitely happen one day. I could not agree with you more about being more open to the idea of children being allowed to use their creativity in school. Children really are amazing when you let them think for themselves and use their imagination. I, too, think that the future of education is headed in a very cool direction and can't wait to be a part of it!

  3. I also agree with you on your post about Mr Wrinkle. I don't think it's safe in school's for technically challenged people. Technology is getting more and more advanced seems like everyday. Soon, If you're not literate to technology, you'll be left behind it seems. Great Post!!

  4. Thanks for all of your comments. Dr. Strange, yes I am ready and up for the challenge when the opportunity arises. I definitely hope in the future it will be allowed at the school I will be in.
